BB Professional Services


Australian Federal Government clients have included the Australia Council, Centrelink, the Department of Health & Family/Human Services/Aged Care, Department of Social Security, Health Insurance Commission, Department of Immigration & Indigenous Affairs, National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research, Department of Family and Community Services and the Department of Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs.

State Government clients have included the NSW Departments of Health, Corrective Services, Community Services, Juvenile Justice, Education and Training and Attorney General; North Sydney and Central Coast, South Eastern Sydney and Illawarra, Western Sydney and Central Sydney Area Health Services and the Communicable Diseases Branch of Queensland Health. Local government clients have included Gosford City and Hornsby Shire Councils.

Non-government organisation clients have included the World Health Organisation, Seniors Rights Service/The Aged-care Rights Service, NSW Tenants Union, Maternity Action UK, Cancer Council of NSW, Diabetes Australia, Family Planning Association, the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, ACON, Queensland AIDS Council, Queensland Association for Healthy Communities, NSW Users and AIDS Association, NSW Association for Mental Health, Australian Arabic Welfare Council, the Gender Centre and the Inspire Foundation.

Private sector clients have included Wellcome Australia, The Stevens Group, Poonsup, The Cellar Group, Entasil, Cameron & Myers, Gwynne Thompson, Hawkins Consortium, QCare Australia, Phillip Brand, De Cue Pty Ltd, Ross Glynatsis, Inlom, Reece Group, RCI Group, Health Rehabilitation Centre, PRJM P/L, Shopbox P/L , ST Traiden P/L.


Phone: 0403 779 748

Email: Dr Rigmor Berg