BB Professional Services


Our approach

The strategic planning process begins with review of the mission, central goals and core values of the organisation or definition of these if the organisation is new.

A program logic diagram, showing how various areas of activity can contribute towards realisation of the shared mission, may provide a useful framework for strategic planning.

The next step is to identify priorities for the period ahead, taking into account the needs of key target groups, changes in the environment and emerging issues. Relevant information may come from research findings, needs assessment and evaluation reports, client feedback, staff perceptions and external stakeholder inputs. A SWOT analysis (to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), conducted in a facilitated workshop is often useful.

When an overview strategic plan with clear objectives for a 3 or 5 year period has been agreed, more detailed operational plans for the year ahead, including implementation strategies and key performance indicators for each area of activity, can be developed.


Past work

  • Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations – National Association of People with AIDS Education Team: Development of 2011-2015 Five Year Strategic Plan including consultation of all AFAO and NAPWA member organisations (with Ross Duffin)
  • Seniors’ Rights Service: Development of 2015-2020 Five Year Strategic Plan including facilitation of strategic planning workshop for SRS Board members and senior staff
  • Communicable Diseases Branch, Queensland Health / Respect Inc:
    • — facilitation of workshops to define mission, core values and program logic for new organisation
    • — mentoring support for development of first 3 year strategic plan and year 1 operational plans
  • Northern Territory Aboriginal Health Forum (NTAHF): Facilitation of strategic planning day
  • Araluen Cultural Precinct, Alice Springs: Facilitation of strategic planning day


Phone: 0403 779 748

Email: Dr Rigmor Berg